Meeting The Greats: Levar Burton


IMG_6713Many people like to ask me where my love for books comes from, and quite simply its from this man, Levar Burton!

Levar Burton well known for his portrayals in Alex Haley's Roots and Star Trek, is also the original host of PBS's children's show "Reading Rainbow". A television program, that as a kid, would have a huge impact on me for years to come.

It was watching Levar Burton’s "Reading Rainbow" that taught me as a child the importance of reading - and just how transformative it was. It also opened my mind to the world of literacy, that inevitably would start my love for academia and a desire to share it with others.

It’s Mr. Burton’s work that helped inspire me to create 'The 10 Books Every Black Youth Should Read", as well as the Diaspora Book Club. (All of which have been some of the most popular posts on this blog.) So, any opportunity to say "Thank You" and to show my gratitude to him couldn’t be passed up!

I must say it was an amazing afternoon! I'm so glad that Barnes and Nobles decided to host such an event. It's events like these with individuals like Levar Burton that make me want to continue to make the world a better place!